
Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel Jugie
Messages : 1885
Inscription : 19 juil. 2011, 22:48
Localisation : Paulhan


Message non lu par Michel Jugie » 03 avr. 2018, 22:33

Comme je l'ai précisé dans mon post sur le Grumman Goose, j'ai donc commandé un kit du Goose chez rc-europe.
J'ai signalé mes petits soucis dans notre forum et j'ai envoyé ce mail aujourd'hui 3 avril à Sabastiaan, le responsable de ce site marchand.

Hello Sebastiaan,
I have received the kit last Friday morning.
I am surprised by the bad quality of the packaging.
All the small parts were free in the box, not in a plastic bag to prevent them lost.
The sheets of wood, not tied by adesive tap, lost some parts in the box during the transport.
By chance no one were brooken.

About these spare parts, the list is wrong, not completed.
I receive 2 sets of landing gear lever, 53 magnets (! ), the gear staps too small for the brass tubes and not the good number, only one 9mm brass tube wing and its 8mm fiber ( the kit needs 2 wing joiner systems of 608mm ),
Are missing steel wire 3mm, steel wire 4mm, brass 0.5mm for landing gear.

As it was not written in your internet shop, I discover options in your list.
I buy this kit because the Bart Lammerse Goose seen on rc-group forum.
I was surprised to have not the retractable tailwheel unit, the 9cyl radial front motor dummy.

For this first order to rc-europe, the others gays from my club are surprised and not please.
Some were looking for the SZD 51 as Nicolas Gilles.
In fact we were looking for a simple glider as the SZD51 in about 3 m, we search for 5 or 10 kits...as we did for the Hoellein AndREaS kit.
Other gays look for more flying boats as the Dornier or else...
After this order, we are confused ?!

I hope this mail could improve your quality for next customers.
You need to change the Goose spare parts list , and really put what you write !

Now, I will enjoy my Goose assembling...


Michel Jugie
Amicale Modéliste de la Vallée de l'Hérault

Et voilà sa réponse du jour
The hardware is normal in a gripbag, I have at present 2 days a week help from a friend, will tell him it should be in a bag again, sorry for this failure.
All Laserparts shoud be in their sheet with bridges, normally nothing falls out and we ship worldwide. No complaints so far on it.
The balsa sheets are normally stapled equal so the full carton wide is used and sheets can go nowhere (even ship often to Australia, so pritty far).
The 3 and 4mm is indeed replaced by the now bend parts, nomally customer had to do it himself, I will change it on the list.
The brass and carbon should be enough, but I will check again and let you know.
About landing gear parts, hope not but maybe another customer is now missing his parts, here it than this week from him, shall ask him.
The dummyengine and tailwheel are when I buy them over 40 euro which increase the kit by 10%, not all customers would have them.

Other things i will check and let you know asap.
And about the SZD, if buy more discount is discussable.


Je tache aussi de vous faire part de la chronologie de ma commande:
J'ai commandé le jeudi 8 mars car le kit était en promo, je lorgnais depuis un certain sur lui.
Pour le paiement, première embrouille car j'ai choisi le virement bancaire.
Message du 9 mars suite à ma demande de nouvelle au sujet de mon paiement:
It was just after 15.00 so it will be delayed 1 working day.
I see it in my ssytem still as pending, that is why I asked it.
But called payment service and they told me at 15.00 hours automatically the systempicks up all payments.
Than it is monday visible and I can send monday or tuesday out to you.

If you have during the build any question, just ask.[/color]

Car cela passe par un intermédiaire style paypal, les fonds sortis de ma poche le 8 mars ne seront sur son compte que vers le mardi 13 mars !
Nouvelle de Sebastiaan le 14 mars
Payment has arrived.
I will be out in Germany tomorrow, will cut the Goose thursday, than we will ship it to you.
Send you tracking number as soon as we have scanreply from forwarder.

Finalement je reçois des messages automatique comme quoi ma commande est bien payée, mais toujours pas de nouvelles pour un kit soi disant en stock.
Finalement le 17 mars j’envoie un message pour avoir des nouvelles:
Hi Sebastiaan,
Some news from my order ?
Did you cut the kit and sent to me ?

Et la réponse du 20 mars:
Sorry for late reply but I have been ill last week, just started today again.
The goose is cut, I only had to wait for few hardware parts but they arrived meanwhile.
The kit will be ready and packed tonight, hope I can ship it before 19.00 otherwise it will leave tomorrow.
Shipping is normally 2 or 3 days .
Sorry again for the delay.

Finalement, le message de l'envoie le 28 mars
goose is shipped, sorry for the delay but we got illness and lack of some parts.
The status of your order changed to Shipped
If you have any questions about your order please respond to this email.

J'ai reçu le kit le vendredi matin 30 mars, le colis faisait un bruit d'enfer lors de la manipulation par le coursier, le carton ne semblait pas abimé, je n'ai pas fait ouvrir, je pensais juste, des pièces métalliques se balladaient dedans.

Excusez moi de vous faire ce reportage, mais vous pouvez ainsi vous faire une opinion personnelle sur ma mésaventure.
Je ferais d'autres commentaires sur le kit dans le post dédié au Goose, car il y a encore quelques gags entrevus, mais cela fait partie du jeu.

Bon maintenant j'attends une commande passée à Lindinger en Autriche passée le 28 mars et qui se ballade en Europe...! Pas de chance, c'était le weekend de Pâques.
J'ai aussi fait une commande le 22 mars chez Hoellein vers 18h, elle était à la maison le 26 mars, no comment !

Avatar de l’utilisateur
Michel Jugie
Messages : 1885
Inscription : 19 juil. 2011, 22:48
Localisation : Paulhan

Re: rc-europe

Message non lu par Michel Jugie » 10 avr. 2018, 23:29

Notre ami Sabastiaan a mis de l'eau dans son vin et admis des erreurs de sa part.
Il est en train de redresser la situation suite à mon message.
Le principal est que les futurs clients soient satisfaits de leurs commandes.
En fait il est spécialisé dans la découpe laser, faire des kits complets est plus complexe pour sa petite structure.
